IT Service & Pricing

Our mission is to provide your organization with the right talent and cutting-edge technology. We understand that your IT investment plays a crucial role in your company’s overall performance. By partnering with us, you can rest assured that your technology needs will be met, allowing you to concentrate on strategic business initiatives.


Starts at

$50 / user
Billed monthly
Our Standard plan features:

  • 9/5 Remote Help Desk Support
  • Event Monitoring and Backups
  • Device Patching & Alert Response
  • Anti-virus and Anti-malware
  • Operational Reports


Starts at

$125 / user
Billed monthly
Our Pro plan features:

  • 24/7 Remote Help Desk Support
  • Offsite Data Backups
  • Technology Impact Evaluations
  • Anti-virus and Anti-malware
  • Annual Compliance Assessments


Starts at

$175 / user
Billed monthly
Our Pro plan features:

  • 24/7/365 Remote Help Desk Support
  • Onsite Technical Support
  • Redundant Backups
  • Disaster Recovery
  • DNS-layer Cybersecurity